Reports: Electronic Submission

At the completion of each lab you must submit a "report" by completing a form which will be found at the end of the Lab Manual materials or under the "Report Sheet" button. On submission of this report it is delivered to your TA who will review it, comment and assign a grade. Each individual student must submit their own individual report and each will be separately graded. Students working together are likely to submit the same data. You should, however, feel free to submit different data if appropriate, and you must submit different discussions. That is, submitted discussions of the lab results must be written independently and reflect each student's own understanding of their own lab results, however that understanding was developed.

NOTE: Unless specifically authorized by your TA, submission from anywhere other than the Physics Lab constitutes Academic Misconduct.

The report sheets mostly require that blanks be filled in. In most cases a short verbal discussion of a situation, or a conclusion, is required.

Data sets should always include appropriate units; specific answers (e.g. a quantity calculated from a data set) should always include an estimate of accuracy.

It is good laboratory practice to make your own notes of data and procedures while carrying our the experiments. Also in your notes, perform all calculations and come to all conclusions. Only when you have finished with an experiment should you complete the "report" by transferring to the report sheet the information required.

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